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Integral Kundalini Awakening

Integral-essential, intrinsic, fundamental

Kundalini- an energy at rest sitting at the base of the spine that through conscious practice is brought into movement or flow. A flow that arises within the energy body of the chakras, bringing within its rising a union of yin and yang. A consciousness shift occurs with a profound sense of deepened connection with the soul. A sensation of deep quiet unfolds with the sense that one has fallen into a deep ocean or desert of still consciousness.

Awakening-an act or moment of becoming suddenly aware

The Integral Kundalini Awakening intensive serves as a catalyst in personal growth by giving focused intention into the kundalini as a point of healing & growth. Refinements are taught within the Microcosmic Orbit and the Chakra Energy Meditation to support and awaken the Kundalini. Attention and discernment is brought to the energy meditation and its elements of practice. Individual attention is brought to each students needs.

Prerequisite: completion of 6 months of Cultivating an Intuitive Life along with an embodied daily practice with the Chakra Energetic Meditation. If interested, the first step is attendance in Cultivating An Intuitive Life.

Price: $125.00.

Be prepared: The work is intense. I ask that you come to the intensive rested and willing to step into yourself.