Open House at Simplicity Farm
3:00 PM15:00

Open House at Simplicity Farm

  • Healing & Growth with Martin Perkins (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

On November 24th, the day after Thanksgiving, we will be hosting our annual Simplicity Farm Open House, 3pm until the embers of the bonfire dim.

We will share food and drink for your nourishment and merriment, and as well invite you to bring a potluck dish if you feel the call. We’ll convert the classroom into a game room, so bring any board or tabletop games you wish to share. And as well, the treatment room will be transformed into a LEGO room for children of all ages!

Our annual bonfire will occur around 7pm.

There will be an opportunity to walk around the land and experience the treehouse, meditation bench at the creek, and workshop.

Click Here to RSVP
(Walk-ins are most welcome)

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New cohort starting October 21st Language of the Soul
9:00 AM09:00

New cohort starting October 21st Language of the Soul

  • Healing & Growth with Martin Perkins (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Language of the Soul focuses on a genuinely conscious yet non-doctrinal, non-dogmatic cultivation of self-knowledge. Knowledge that is steeped in deep rest, energetic meditation and a willingness to embrace one's depth. Employing an immersive multi-year approach, the student commits to yearlong courses that allow for a natural unfolding of the habitual patterns that have prevented the student from accessing Healing & Growth.

To register, email or call Martin directly


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Elements of an Authentic Apology
10:00 AM10:00

Elements of an Authentic Apology

  • Healing & Growth with Martin Perkins (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

If we don’t know why we are apologizing, why do so? Avoiding difficult communication in order to avoid tension perpetuates a breakdown in trust. In this discussion we will explore how we can be willing to have the difficult conversations in order to create clarity of understanding and trust with the people in our lives. We will examine how to apologize without defensiveness, and instead, from a place of earnestness and remorse.

Summer Series @Simplicity:  Discussions on Applying Healing & Growth in Our Lives

This is a Hybrid Series - Discussions can be attended online or in-person. Martin will email participants prior to the class at which time you will respond and declare how you will be participating.


(1) - CLICK TO REGISTER - No payment required to register


(2) - Go to Frisky's Wildlife and Primate Sanctuary. Click on their Paypal button. Suggested donation is $13.73 per class or $49.33 for the whole series. I chose Frisky’s because of my personal experience with their amazing work as a non-profit Wildlife Rehabilitation center.

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Tears of the Soul: Grieving our Losses, Processing our Grievances
10:00 AM10:00

Tears of the Soul: Grieving our Losses, Processing our Grievances

  • Healing & Growth with Martin Perkins (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We sometimes feel a sense of grief that we cannot rationally explain. At other times, we recognize the pain and anger we have bottled up for so long, often stemming from childhood trauma and familial grievances left unresolved. In Tears of the Soul we will explore what it means to grieve moment-by-moment. We will consider what it is like to let go and cry into feelings and experiences, rather than masking and compartmentalizing what is felt. We will also share how we can visit and revisit these challenging places through breathing and journaling practices.

Summer Series @Simplicity:  Discussions on Applying Healing & Growth in Our Lives

This is a Hybrid Series - Discussions can be attended online or in-person. Martin will email participants prior to the class at which time you will respond and declare how you will be participating.


(1) - CLICK TO REGISTER - No payment required to register


(2) - Go to Frisky's Wildlife and Primate Sanctuary. Click on their Paypal button. Suggested donation is $13.73 per class or $49.33 for the whole series. I chose Frisky’s because of my personal experience with their amazing work as a non-profit Wildlife Rehabilitation center.

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Growing UP? - The Importance of Play in a Healthy Life!
10:00 PM22:00

Growing UP? - The Importance of Play in a Healthy Life!

  • Healing & Growth with Martin Perkins (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In 1974, prolific author Tom Robbins gave a commencement address at a small alternative college. He shared with his audience the provocative notion that “ the sad, funny truth is that adults are nothing but tall children who have forgotten how to play.” In this discussion we will explore how play can support our knowing of what works and doesn’t work for us in life, rather than through the rigid structure of the so-called mature mind. A foundational point of emphasis lies in learning how to be playful with ourselves. To learn how to not take oneself so fucking seriously. A particularly useful skill in a world run amok.

Summer Series @Simplicity:  Discussions on Applying Healing & Growth in Our Lives

This is a Hybrid Series - Discussions can be attended online or in-person. Martin will email participants prior to the class at which time you will respond and declare how you will be participating.


(1) - CLICK TO REGISTER - No payment required to register


(2) - Go to Frisky's Wildlife and Primate Sanctuary. Click on their Paypal button. Suggested donation is $13.73 per class or $49.33 for the whole series. I chose Frisky’s because of my personal experience with their amazing work as a non-profit Wildlife Rehabilitation center.

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Beginner’s Mind: The Art of Shoshin
10:00 AM10:00

Beginner’s Mind: The Art of Shoshin

  • Healing & Growth with Martin Perkins (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

In Zen Buddhism, the practice of Shoshin emphasizes an open-minded beginner’s approach to life. In this discussion we will examine how the willing beginner can creatively explore life through the lens of seeing ourselves anew in each moment. A way of softening our perspective so even the most repetitive of life’s actions can be experienced with a greater sense of ease, fresh perspective and vitality.

Summer Series @Simplicity:  Discussions on Applying Healing & Growth in Our Lives

This is a Hybrid Series - Discussions can be attended online or in-person. Martin will email participants prior to the class at which time you will respond and declare how you will be participating.


(1) - CLICK TO REGISTER - No payment required to register


(2) - Go to Frisky's Wildlife and Primate Sanctuary. Click on their Paypal button. Suggested donation is $13.73 per class or $49.33 for the whole series. I chose Frisky’s because of my personal experience with their amazing work as a non-profit Wildlife Rehabilitation center.

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Waking the Diaphragm: How to Release The Body’s Tensions Through Deep Breathing
10:00 AM10:00

Waking the Diaphragm: How to Release The Body’s Tensions Through Deep Breathing

  • Healing & Growth with Martin Perkins (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

When we allow ourselves to feel the breath of our being we give way to the moment. Said even more simply, breath sweeps mind. This discussion will explore the physiologic, autonomic and energetic elements of the breath, with great emphasis on the benefits deep breathing plays in a healthy life. 

Summer Series @Simplicity:  Discussions on Applying Healing & Growth in Our Lives

This is a Hybrid Series - Discussions can be attended online or in-person. Martin will email participants prior to the class at which time you will respond and declare how you will be participating.


(1) - CLICK TO REGISTER - No payment required to register


(2) - Go to Frisky's Wildlife and Primate Sanctuary. Click on their Paypal button. Suggested donation is $13.73 per class or $49.33 for the whole series. I chose Frisky’s because of my personal experience with their amazing work as a non-profit Wildlife Rehabilitation center. Rehabilitation center.

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Effective and Conscious Planning in A BUSY World
10:00 AM10:00

Effective and Conscious Planning in A BUSY World

  • Healing & Growth with Martin Perkins (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

For many years, my clients and students have described how they will be driving, or taking a walk or doing some other task and simultaneously doing what they call planning. Sadly, what they are doing is not planning at all. It is more akin to worry, anticipation or overthinking. Planning in truth is something wholly different. In this discussion we’ll look at how effectively quieting our minds can support us in the practice of dedicated and conscious planning. A process where we aren’t just planning but also allowing our wisdom to guide us. A contrast to what happens when we are faux planning and/or wandering around within our imaginations.

Summer Series @Simplicity:  Discussions on Applying Healing & Growth in Our Lives

This is a Hybrid Series - Discussions can be attended online or in-person. Martin will email participants prior to the class at which time you will respond and declare how you will be participating.


(1) - CLICK TO REGISTER - No payment required to register


(2) - Go to Frisky's Wildlife and Primate Sanctuary. Click on their Paypal button. Suggested donation is $13.73 per class or $49.33 for the whole series. I chose Frisky’s because of my personal experience with their amazing work as a non-profit Wildlife Rehabilitation center.

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to Feb 4

Language of the Soul- Year 1

  • Healing & Growth with Martin Perkins (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

For the 1st time since the beginning of the pandemic I will be sharing this course with a new cohort.

This first year course is designed for both experienced seekers of self-knowledge as well as beginners. The course is limited to 8 students and will meet online (in-person when possible)… a hybrid format.

Skills you will practice during this first year:

How to rest deeply so that healing & growth can occur. A simple task made seemingly complex by modern life and crucial to creating a truly joyful and peaceful life.

How to practice Dao Yin. Dao Yin predates Qi Gong and is an energetic practice that allows one to heal and growth by the embrace into the depths of the soul.

How to learn your own unique and simultaneously universal soul language. Doing so by unwinding the habitual patterns created in life and learning to shift how you relate to anxiety, worry, frustration and sadness.

Beginning and ending dates are tentative. Monthly class dates and times will be created by the cohort once formed or once we get closer to the starting date.

For more detailed information, go to Classes and Workshops or email Martin @

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Integral Kundalini Awakening
10:00 AM10:00

Integral Kundalini Awakening

Integral-essential, intrinsic, fundamental

Kundalini- an energy at rest sitting at the base of the spine that through conscious practice is brought into movement or flow. A flow that arises within the energy body of the chakras, bringing within its rising a union of yin and yang. A consciousness shift occurs with a profound sense of deepened connection with the soul. A sensation of deep quiet unfolds with the sense that one has fallen into a deep ocean or desert of still consciousness.

Awakening-an act or moment of becoming suddenly aware

The Integral Kundalini Awakening intensive serves as a catalyst in personal growth by giving focused intention into the kundalini as a point of healing & growth. Refinements are taught within the Microcosmic Orbit and the Chakra Energy Meditation to support and awaken the Kundalini. Attention and discernment is brought to the energy meditation and its elements of practice. Individual attention is brought to each students needs.

Prerequisite: completion of 6 months of Cultivating an Intuitive Life along with an embodied daily practice with the Chakra Energetic Meditation. If interested, the first step is attendance in Cultivating An Intuitive Life.

Price: $125.00.

Be prepared: The work is intense. I ask that you come to the intensive rested and willing to step into yourself.


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The Root Chakra:  A Creative One Day Retreat
9:00 AM09:00

The Root Chakra: A Creative One Day Retreat

The root chakra is about a dynamic connection with the moment. Being here, being grounded, reveals an important part of what the root chakra offers us as human beings. Being present, yes, and also being in a creative relationship with the moment. In many ways expressed in the affirmation I AM. The willingness to allow our infinite and intuitive nature expand into the moment until its full expression is seen multi-dimensionally.

Using turtle shells as a framework for creativity along with meditations with the chakras, we will explore the root chakra with each student creating her own painted/mosaic turtle shell.

Class limited to 8 students

To be held at the Simplicity Farm Treehouse (weather permitting)

To register or reserve your spot: email
Facilitator: Martin Perkins.
suggested donation - $75

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Chakras in the Tree: A ½ Day Energy Meditation Retreat
9:30 AM09:30

Chakras in the Tree: A ½ Day Energy Meditation Retreat

Come experience through a series of guided meditations, journalling/drawing practices and shared conversation an embodied experience of the energetic system of the chakras. The class/retreat, held at the Simplicity Farm Treehouse, creates an interconnection between ourselves within the chakras and the natural world. Experience the chakras in a deep and grounded way, allowing your experience within the forest and the treehouse to provide growth and insight in your life.

Facilitator: Martin Perkins


Suggested Donation: $75

Class is limited to 8 students. To register, email Martin at stating your intention to attend. A detailed follow-up email with payment info will be provided. Payment can be made via check, cash, CC or paypal.

Bring a snack and a drink for yourself. You will need to be able to walk a short distance into the woods to access the treehouse. It is an outdoor event. The treehouse is covered but is not heated nor air-conditioned. Dress comfortably.

For more information

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Silent Saturdays @Simplicity Farm- The Stillness of Winter
8:30 AM08:30

Silent Saturdays @Simplicity Farm- The Stillness of Winter

In recognition of the need in the world for more quiet, we have created Silent Saturdays. Once a month here at Simplicity Farm we host a Silent Retreat. Our February 9th retreat offers the opportunity to step into the depths & stillness of winter. These retreats provide opportunities to be both inside and outside - meditation, yoga, journalling, forest bathing at the treehouse. The opportunity to rest, rejuvenate and regenerate. The days activities are open-ended with each participant choosing how to spend their day in silence. A day of silence is a powerful way to be with yourself while supported by the presence of community.

As we step into silence, as we settle within, as we breathe, our thoughts also settle. We are able to hear our own wisdom arising from within. In the process our inner critic, our fears and anxieties are carried from the shadows and brought to the light of conscious awareness. With time and space within silence, we allow the space of silence to create healing and growth.

At 2pm we break our silence and talk about our experience and as well discuss ways to allow inner quiet to meet our daily lives effectively.

Where: Simplicity Farm 18441 Queen Anne Road Upper Marlboro, MD 20774

Who: Facilitators: Martin Perkins and Linda Jackson

How: To register email

Donation – we accept donations as an exchange for the time and space provided for healing and growth.

Martin is a consciousness teacher, Acupuncturist and Herbalist who offers courses and treatment bringing Healing & Growth into light and balance within. Courses include Integral Kundalini Awakening, Cultivating an Intuitive Life, and A Conscious Approach to the Beatitudes.

Linda is a facilitator with the Stillwater by the Chesapeake Meditation Group and is a certified Yoga Therapy instructor. She has studied in various traditions of stillness practice and recently completed a Three-Year Course in Healing & Growth with Martin.


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Simplicity Farm Holiday Open House
2:00 PM14:00

Simplicity Farm Holiday Open House

A robust gathering to celebrate Simplicity Farm as a community of friends. We will share food, lively conversation, hot drinks and a bonfire. Pot-luck dishes are welcome. Bring a friend!
Let’s light up the day! LInda Jackson and Martin Perkins are co-hosting to share our mutual call to Simplicity Farm.

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6:30 PM18:30

Embodied Presence - 8 session course

A CALL TO DEPTH AND PURPOSE. The process of embodying presence is a journey or dance with soul and its accompanying call to purpose in life. Creating depth of relationship to soul is achieved through presence. Understanding the process in an embodied way and allowing the practice of presence to permeate the self is the mission of this ongoing course offered to individuals who are willing to practice being present in all its forms. For more information go to Grow with Me

Offered every other week from 630pm-830pm beginning next on October 18th.  The 8 session course dates are as follows: October 18, November 1, 16, 30, December 14, January 3, 17, 31 (we skip one week- the week after Christmas). The course is not a drop-in class and individuals who choose to take the course will be committing to a full 8 session course.

Registration is limited to 8 students. Register with Eventbrite

Course Fee: $200 payable at registration by cash, check or credit card

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12:00 PM12:00

31 Meditations in 31 Days: A Stillness Challenge

The Stillness Challenge is to meditate each day beginning October 1st and through October 31st.  On Friday September 22nd a video via Facebook and will teach a straight forward effective approach to meditation. Each day in October I will meditate in support of the Stillness Challenge via facebook live at and available either live or on the page afterward. This meditation approach provides an excellent beginning for those interested in meditation as well as qi gong. The Stillness Challenge is a clear path to bring meditation into your life and its benefits to your health and well-being. Register here at Eventbrite to complete this agreement with yourself to meditate daily during the 31 days of October. For more information on classes go to Grow with Me. You will also receive via email, once registered,  insights on creating and sustaining a daily meditation practice. There is also a one-day retreat called Listening to the Quiet to expand your experience of meditation occurring October 7th.

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